Phone: (972) 235-3030
Toll-Free: (866) 900-RISK

Your Specialists

Brett Byland, ARM - EXT 110

Jerry Brunker - EXT 170

In response to requests from clients we have been working hard to identify products and professional services that will enable us to deliver the business financial services needed by our clients.  As changes in the landscape for social security and higher taxes looms we want to be able to help our clients navigate the challenges that lie ahead.  We have expanded our services to include the following life insurance planning services:
  • review of existing life insurance contracts for our client business owners (recent mortality tables may mean lower premiums or newer product features may be available, or beneficiary designations need to be updated)
  • evaluation of business life insurance needs for client business owners (funding of buy sell agreements or key person life insurance)
  • evaluation of basic personal life insurance needs for our client business owners (to pay off mortgages, cover college tuition costs or provide protection for surviving spouses or children)
  • evaluation of more complex personal life insurance needs for our client business owners (funding of estate taxes or other estate planning techniques)
  • evaluation of life insurance products as important investment assets in a low interest rate environment and volatile investment market
  • evaluation of life insurance products as important investment assets protected from creditors (especially in Texas)
  • evaluation of life insurance products that provide benefits for living with a LifeAccess Accelerated Benefit rider as a viable and cost effective alternative to the long term care exposure
  • evaluation of life insurance products that provide benefits for living with a LongevityAccess rider that provides guaranteed income for eight years or more to insureds who reach age 90
  • patent pending IssueFirst from Hartford allows for up to $2,000,000 of guaranteed  permanent coverage to be issued immediately (instead of the normal 48 days) for those up to age 65.  A series of eight questions determines insurability.

RISKPRO® is a registered trademark of RISKPRO Insurance Agency, LLC